Rainbow Rising was established in 2020, as the face of Temporary Use Aid in town centres. As the rate of high street retail closures accelerated, the need for a new form of collaborative working was identified – a conduit that would enable the commercial property and third sectors to work together on an ethically sound foundation to considerable mutual benefit. Indeed, new value-added advantages of such partnerships are becoming known on an almost weekly basis.
Philosophy with purpose
Our philosophy is literally our name. These are the seven pillars of life supported by Rainbow Rising.

R = RELIEF from Poverty
Relief from poverty is a global ambition that we must all address. It starts with the simplest of actions, opening our eyes… using our hands… helping others less fortunate than us …

A= ARTS Culture & Heritage
We underestimate the power of the arts at our peril. Art in whatever form motivates us, lifts our spirits and feeds our souls in ways nothing else can satisfy …

I = IDENTITY Equality, Diversity & Religion
We spend much of our lives trying to understand and express who we are. Our identity is precious and unique to each and every one of us. An eternal gift no one can take from us …

N = NEIGHBOURHOOD Crime Prevention, Citizenship & Community Development
That sense of belonging is as important to human beings as food and drink. Deprive us of it and we lose our values and our sense of purpose …

B = BEING Health & Sport
Our health is arguably one of the biggest things we all take for granted until we lose it. Then it becomes something to strive for like a long-lost ambition …

O = OPPORTUNITY Education & Volunteering
The best way to ensure regret never becomes our master is to seize every opportunity that comes our way as if it were our last …

W = WORLD Our Environment & Animal Welfare
The links between human wellbeing, the environment and animal welfare are irrefutable. The question is, how well do we want to live in our world? …