rainbow rising - 7 banners value - last edited by Nicholas Orloff 2 Nov 22

By Client Landlord or Charity, Yes, I am sure it would be easy to waffle on about all the different reasons why some of the UK’s largest landlords, best known letting agents and most respected charities choose Rainbow Rising.

Personally, I think it can be summed up in one word: experience. No doubt there will be some of Rainbow Rising’s clients reading this who will be rushing to point out that Rainbow Rising has a genuinely unique formula that is proven in the market. However, for me by far the most compelling reason is simply that their team has more experience in this highly specialist sector than anyone else.

Why is this so important? Let me be candid. This area can be an ethical minefield. From the outset Rainbow Rising have always insisted upon the exclusive use of ethical best practices. It is not a coincidence that as loopholes are being closed by new legislation to prevent abuse by “box shifters”, more landlords and agents than ever are turning to Rainbow Rising to help them with their vacant commercial property portfolios. No one wants to be on the wrong side of the ethical line in this market. It’s too public and there is far more at stake than a bit of bad PR.

Councils too recognise that high ethical standards are essential when addressing high street regeneration.So why do I place such high value on Rainbow Rising’s experience and what are the tangible benefits I see as a result?

1. Avoiding Expensive Pitfalls–It may seem obvious but an experienced team intuitively works to prevent mistakes before they happen, acting almost subconsciously.

2. Move faster and get better advice–A more experienced team plans better and knows exactly who to go to get the desired result.

3. Manage expectations in a more realistic way–Over promising is rife in most industries these days. A solid team with sound experience is also one that understands accountability and protects my interests

4. Delivering on our objectives–This has to be the team’s goal. An experienced team does not need to be reminded that this is their reason for being. They are on brief from the outset and need minimal management.

Put simply, clients like landlords and letting agents of former Debenhams stores up and down the UK want a winning formula they can rely upon. They need a proven ethical solution that will keep all the stakeholders happy and above all it must be turn-key. They do not want the management distraction nor indeed the headache of dealing with the minutia. All of this requires a sophisticated level of collective collaboration, which quite frankly, Rainbow Rising wrote the book on.

And as they say, there really is no substitute for experience.